My roles: Research, Concepting, Art Direction, Copywriting, Storyboarding, Graphic Design
Creative Partner: Tyler Pena
Kerrygold butter is royally good. That's because the farmers treat their cows well. With the cows getting treated like queens (via small herd sizes, no growth hormones, the lushest, greenest grass in Ireland,...) they produce butter with taste that could only come from royalty.
Pampered cows treated like queens make way better butter than peasant cows. 'nuff said.
Video Spots
Cows with royal butlers and personal spa days – sounds like a dream, but that's basically everyday for the Kerrygold cows.
packaging & PR Stunt LAUNCH
Kerrygold butter already resembles gold bars, so we add a couple extra royal touches. Besides adding our tagline, we add a custom Kerrygold wax seal on the back of the butter packaging and a note to "Open for a royal decree." Once purchased and opened, the inside houses a royal declaration about the profound treatment of the Kerrygold cows being why it's so damn delicious. It declares that all cows should be able to experience the regal treatment that those at Kerrygold do, and will lay out the beginnings of the Dignifying Dairy Initiative and set the PR stunt in motion.
PR Stunt ACTIVATION / Philanthropy
As a way to enact change and help the dying dairy industry in America, Kerrygold will launch the Dignifying Dairy Initiative that will aid struggling dairy farms in America and spread the taste of royalty across the United States. Kerrygold will purchase and/or fund these struggling farms and make them a paradise for cows, just like the Kerrygold Farms in Ireland. Using Kerrygold’s same attention to pampering, cows in these farms will live the rest of their lives experiencing royal treatment.

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